Well, tonight I went to a gospel meeting at the church I grew up in. I believe some of the stalkers were also there.
I don't believe these people are with the government--although they have probably lied to the people at my church and told them that they are with the government.
It is too bad that they didn't come to hear the lesson because it was a good one--about not putting your trust in temporal things--like governments, jobs, money, position, power, etc. I would have added, like family, friends, even brothers and sisters in the church can fail you.
Why don't these people just tell me what it is they want? If it's money, I don't have much. If it's power, I don't have any. If it's evidence against criminals, I don't have that either. If it's to drive me out of my mind, it ain't happening. If it's to drive me to suicide, that ain't happening, either. If it is to drive me out of the community, no way. I will live where I want to live, regardless of them or others they get to conspire against me.
If it's my identity, forget it. I will see them in Hell first.