For those who say that these stalkers couldn't possibly come up with this stuff this fast, let me clue you in on how this works.
1) First they get you involved with someone (like Rick Zehr), who asks a million questions about you, your family, your interests, your favorite restaurants, clothes, where you like to go on vacation, family and friends who live out of state. Even, if you have family members who are deceased, where they are buried.
2) Next, they began buying and renting property around you and calling the troops in to live there with high-tech gadgetry, including GPS, hidden cameras, lasers, high-frequency sound blasters, etc.
3) They have license plates printed up corresponding to your interests. They also have a license database they can refer to. So, if you begin talking about your niece, Katie, showing horses at the fair. Bingo, they look through their license database and call one of the troops/perpetrators to place that license on a red vehicle and wait for you to drive to an intersection. The minute you arrive at the intersection, the red vehicle will speed up to get in front of you, so that you will be sure to see the license plates.
4) They note what you watch on TV (you did know that information on every tv program you watch is sent back to your digital tv provider, didn't you?)
r) They go to all of the car dealers within a 100 mile area and rent cars from them, using phony government ids. They even plant some of their phony government employees as employees at local businesses. That way, where ever you go, you are monitored.
6) They get you sensitized to a color, usually red or yellow, by following you en masse to make sure you know that you are being followed. This is to intimidate you.
7) Their ultimate goal is to drive you to suicide, a mental breakdown, or homelessness.
8) Why? remains the biggest question for targets. Evidently, you ticked someone off and they are taking revenge to discredit, and nullify you.
9) By contacting all of your family and friends, telling them they are with a special government agency, and swearing them to secrecy, it is open season on you.
10) They will even do this at doctors' offices and hospitals. If you go into a mental ward, they will follow you even in there. There is no mercy, no relief from them, ever.
For more on this read
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