Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ears Still Buzzing Today

Someone in this world must hate me very much to cause me all of this physical, emotional, and mental pain.

I would like to tell you a few things.

God made me the way I am. God gives all people FREE WILL. He wants all men (meaning men, women, and children) to repent and come to HIM. But, He doesn't force anyone to do that.

When human beings try to forcefully change another person, they are putting themselves above God.

1. There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is no blood test, no xray, no CT, no MRI, etc. that will show a chemical imbalance. This is a theory, just like evolution is a theory without any concrete evidence.

That is a bunch of hype that pharmaceutical companies have paid psychiatrists to say so they can sell drugs.

2. The drugs and brain implants change the brain--but, is that a good thing? No. The side effects include cancer, stroke, hypertension, infection, and, in effect, you are taking away an innate part of that person's personality--that God gave them, so that YOU can control them.

3. God will punish those who set themselves above God. When a person messes around with someone else's brain, to try and change their personality, that is setting themselves above God--whether that person be a lay person, a psychiatrist, a surgeon, a police officer, whatever.

4. I believe in mental therapy--that is talking about one's problems and looking for solutions. But, trying to change the personality through drugs and surgery is wrong, wrong, wrong.

5. Only God can change the heart. (the heart is used as a metaphor for thinking in the Bible--not talking about the physical heart).

Who opposeth - That is, he is distinguished as an opposer of the great system which God has revealed for human salvation, and of those who would serve God in purity in the gospel of his Son.

And exalteth himself above all that is called God - That is, whether among the pagans or the Jews; above a false God, or the true God. This could be true only of one who set aside the divine laws; who undertook to legislate where God only has a right to legislate, and whose legislation was contrary to that of God.

Any claim of a dominion over conscience; or any arrangement to set aside the divine laws, and to render them nugatory, would correspond with what is implied in this description. It cannot be supposed that any one would openly claim to be superior to God, but the sense must be, that the enactments and ordinances of the "man of sin" would pertain to the province in which God only can legislate, and that the ordinances made by him would be such as to render nugatory the divine laws, by appointing others in their place.

So that he, as God - That is, claiming the honors due to God. This expression would not imply that he actually claimed to be the true God, but only that he sits in the temple, and manifests himself as if he were God. He claims such honors and such reverence as the true God would if he should appear in human form.

Showing himself that he is God - This does not necessarily mean that he actually, in so many words, claimed to be God; but that he usurped the place of God, and claimed the prerogatives of God. If the names of God are given to him, or are claimed by him; if he receives the honors due to God; if he asserts a dominion like that of God, then all that the language fairly implies will be fulfilled.

The temple of God, as understood in the New Testament, is the body of man. Anyone who tries to control another human being is trying to control the temple of God, therefore, he is acting as if he were God.

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