Thursday, August 25, 2011

Neuroscientist states anti-psychotics are chemical lobotomy

Neuro-scientist states anti-psychotics are chemical lobotomy. Who would know better than someone who sees the physical effects of anti-psychotics?

The studies cited by the FDA in approving Risperdal for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in children are discussed in this FDA report.
The FDA tells us the safety for schizophrenia was based on 3 studies. One was placebo-controlled (6 weeks), one low-dose controlled (8 weeks), and one open-label (6 months).
The safety for bipolar disorder was also based on 3 studies. One was placebo-controlled (3 weeks), one was the same "long-term" open-label study mentioned above (6 months), and one was a "pharmacokinetic" study (length of study not mentioned).

"The population pharmacokinetic study was done in 472 children and adolescents patients, ages 6-18. Study durations were from 12-21 days."


This allows the FDA to declare with a straight face:
"There were no reports of tardive dyskinesia in the pediatric study populations."

If you want to see the real-world incidence of tardive dyskinesia caused by Risperal in children, you won't find it ANYWHERE on the FDA web site. But you will find a glimpse here.
For a real-world look at Risperdal prescribing patterns in a state Medicaid program, go here.
The above web page lists all 7,327 New Jersey Medicaid Risperdal prescriptions for children under age 18 written in 2006. The Risperdal prescriptions are sorted by age and dosage.
Note the number of children on Risperdal rises steadily until ages 11 or 12, then the numbers begin to decline. This is NOT because the number of children on antipsychotics begins to decline. Risperdal is the GATEWAY antipsychotic, but after a year or two the kids are often switched to a different antipsychotic (usually Seroquel or Abilify first, then Zyprexa or Geodon, and/or back to Risperdal later).
Meanwhile all sorts of other psychiatric drugs are thrown into the mix, and before you know it these kids are REALLY sick... thanks to the wonders of modern medicine, and thanks to all the doctors who write all the prescriptions, and thanks to all the taxpayers who foot the bill.
In October 2006 the FDA approved Risperdal for autistic irritability in children, based on two 8-week trials of 76 kids on Risperdal and 80 kids on placebo, detailed here:
Adverse Reaction Risperdal Placebo
Tremor 12% 1%
Dystonia 12% 6%
Automatism (tics) 7% 1%
Dyskinesia 7% 0%
Parkinsonism 8% 0%

Reviewing these trial results, I have a question:
How is it that 6% of the kids on placebo develop dystonia, while only 1% develop tremor? Can anyone out there offer possible explanations???
One more thing:
The average dose in the Risperdal autism trials was under 2mg/day. The FDA approved Risperdal for kids over age 5, 0.5 mg/day for 15-20 kg body weight, and 1mg/day for those over 20 kg. Look again at the New Jersey Medicaid prescriptions for Risperdal, and count the number of 2mg, 3mg and 4mg scrips. Not to mention all the kids under age 5 on doses ranging from 0.25mg to 3mg.
When the FDA approves a psychiatric drug at a certain dose for a certain age, history shows that doctors often ignore the FDA guidelines.
On the subject of Risperdal's pediatric dosage, the author of the FDA report had this to say:
"While I believe we should certainly label the drug with the information learned from the clinical trials, and even identify target doses of 3 mg/day for pediatric schizophrenia and 2.5 mg/day for pediatric bipolar I disorder, I think it would be too restrictive to the prescriber to limit the dose to a maximum when we know that doses up to 6 mg/day were also shown to be efficacious in the same studies that demonstrated efficacy for the lower dose ranges."
Yes that's what FDA Deputy Director, Dr. Mitchell V. Mathis really said. You can read his full report here.

Ben Hansen
Traverse City, Michigan
Psychiatry is to medicine what astrology is to astronomy.
-- Leonard Roy Frank

Bonkers Institute for Nearly Genuine Research
Posted by: Ben Hansen | August 28, 2007 11:05 AM

You sure know how to poke the hornet's nest, don't you, Mo? ;)
Seriously, I agree with you, for a practical reason I rarely see brought up, and I'll try to explain. We all have to learn to live in our own heads and develop coping strategies for our personal psychological difficulties. Putting kids on pharmaceuticals interferes with that painful process.

A weak analogy: my mother never allowed me to skip grades in school (or be homeschooled) because she didn't want me to miss out on socialization. Not because it was "fun", but because I would need those high school traumas later to navigate the adult world, where so many people have barely advanced past cliquishness and jealousy. I hated high school, and I'm very thankful it's over, but I'm also glad I got the skill set I did from it.

Similarly, I'm glad no one tried to put me on pharmaceuticals when young. My personality and brain were changing so fast, had they been perturbed by drugs, how would I have ever figured out what my "baseline" was, or how to recognize the signs that I was in trouble? Not all psychoactive drugs can be taken indefinitely; patients usually need to be weaned off and/or switched to different medications during their lives. Don't they need some sort of baseline experience of who they are without drugs, to calibrate their responses to those medications? Even if they can't live that way for their entire lives?

Obviously imminent suicide would be an exception, but I'd hate to see medicating children or teenagers become routine, and I fear it already has.
Posted by: bioephemera | August 30, 2007 9:56 AM

Very interesting discussion. My story is not about children, but I do have recent experience with the effects of Risperdal on a young adult.

My daughter (age 24) was put on Risperdal (shots and pills) for one week in one hospital. She was then released to me, and I drove her 200 miles to my home. During that drive she became less and less able to function, was shaking mildly and drooling profusely. In the morning she could not swallow and could barely speak, but indicated that she wanted a shower. She was able to walk to the bathroom and step into the shower, but she could not turn on the water and she certainly could not wash herself. All the while, drool was spilling in a steady and uncontrollable stream from her mouth, which she could not even close at this point.

I immediately transported her to the emergency room of a local hospital. The staff there were incredulous that she had not taken more than what was prescribed to her. The psychiatrist who had seen her two weeks before at that same hospital was shocked to see the terrible change in her condition. She immediately put her on cogentin and began the process of detoxifying her, which took well over a month.

The doctor pronounced my daughter allergic to Risperdal and gave her a totally different diagnosis than the doctor at the other hospital. It was at this point that that I began to reassess my trust in these doctors and their medications.

After the weeks she spent recovering, with new meds that did not appear so toxic to her, my daughter seemed very healthy, happy and pretty much back to her old self. But because of a prior suicide attempt, she was committed and transferred to the state mental hospital.

I drove 10 hours to that hospital to visit my daughter one week after her transfer. There I learned that a nurse practitioner had changed all her meds upon her arrival (a real doctor had not even seen her there!). Guess what they wanted to put her on: Risperdal. Thank goodness she was able to tell them that she was allergic to it and was not forced to take it again.


  1. Your suffering from delusions, I am sorry, its hard to take, no one in the government thinks your 'the one' we need to gather info on. I dont recommend you talk about this anymore, keep it to yourself, grow from it, become a better person.

  2. And if you are in a toxic environment, get OUT!

  3. The problem with being vulnerable to delusions is when people try to use you for their own end, I always thought I was just a "people pleaser". For whatever reason, just identifying my symptoms diminished any power they had over me and made me stronger. I thought it was just anxiety but now that I know the symptoms I can live without the mystery and confusion. Thinking that you are important enough to be "stalked" is your brain trying to deal with immense loneliness, and feeling abandoned. Get a dog, cat, do whatever it takes to feel connected before its too late.

  4. And unless you like the idea of a lobotomy, do NOT take seroquel...

  5. Psychiatrists have their place in the world, and it does not seem to be what they thought it would be. They do not feel guilty when they prescribe drugs that permanently alter a person, because they 'went to school' its ok. I have met hard drug dealers with loads more compassion, pyschs are almost dead inside, its why they became a pysch sometimes, if you trust one your playing with your brain chemistry and what they never tell you is that what comes from Procter and Gamble, GSK, etc... will leave your brain wondering wtf... The reason is very simple, drugs have been around for ages, the industrial revolution triggered the boom of pharmaceutical drugs. We have had no exposure to them, which is why we cannot handle them with the same resilience.

  6. However... don't you worry, we are about to have our first orange president in America, and he is sensible and will make it great again... Is it seriously any wonder why people are doing drugs and getting intoxicated beyond belief???

  7. The weirdos who are sober, those are the fucked up people.

  8. When God said the Meek shall inherit the earth, I just did not imagine morons would dictate policy and define the way intelligent people live. Its like a child telling their mother and father to be careful using the fucking stove....

  9. Can you tell I am a bit angry?? Sorry bro, the govt. does not care what your innermost thoughts are, I wish they did...

  10. Just to clarify, I have experienced what I think you are describing. Here is my take on it. Our experiences in life are basically tied to one part of our brain, the hippo-campus i.e. the memory... We like to believe that all of the parts of our brain seamlessly form what we know as 'consciousness'. Lets look at the brain from a more pragmatic standpoint. If the only way we can 'reflect' is by using this part of the brain, and this part is not why we evolved, but its why we are able to do what we do as a species. It is the 'superior' aspect of our ego in respect to other species. We know through science and using MRI technology that our brain is not simply one cohesive unit so why would we assume our consciousness is? Now lets venture down the rabbit hole and assuming all that has been said is true, what happens when a person "hallucinates" or "hears voices"? Obviously there IS a disconnect from reality... It is assumed, "they are now "crazy"" . This comes with further connotations, in that it is common to assume this person is beyond redemption, hopeless...once the connection to reality has been "broken" we may as well abandon this person because any effort towards knowing them might be a waste, yet people work hard to impress strangers all the time. You got into this and it sucks but dont let the shit culture we live in make you feel even worse, in fact if your brain is observant enough to know we are in a dire situation you may even be a cut above.

  11. MERCK.. PHIZER...BAXTER...BAYER...They are your new neighborhood drug dealers, are you paying with cash or credit? Do you have express pay? Can we verify your address, we will have a long and untimely relationship...

  12. OH your skeptical, of course we care, we press these pills cause we had you in mind, we love you not your money

  13. When we artificially inflate the prices its because we want everyone to understand your important, american, successful. Your living the dream even when your dying and if we cant cash in on that who will, your "loved ones' those phonies did not save your life.

  14. Welcome to Corporate, it use to be Corporate America, that was some 80s cheese that sounded cool, welcome to corporate, we own you, welcome to corporate. Welcome to Corporate.

  15. Irony is listening to people complain about socialism in a post industrial revolution society, you do not have a choice anymore, your money is getting sucked out bitch...

  16. Hey bitch, wheres your ahem my money...

  17. OH you moved and want to be rich so bad, wait maybe we should let you in the club....nah fuck you, give me your money

  18. You have but you still think you can be in our club, where do you morons come from, we will continue to cash in on you but seriously we hate you, your the disenfranchised, you will never be accepted by us, vote republican, sell your soul, be a shit, we will always reject you david b

  19. "I want to be rich so bad" "to be rich you just outwork your coworkers" in between covering your clonazepam addiction of course, "soon the boss will know I am the man"

  20. "steal shit from jobsites, whatever it takes" no im not a drug addict

  21. bang nasty ugly ass women then post it on facebook

  22. Then when you have to appear in memphis, talk about how your nephew was banging a bitch whose turds looked hotter than the woman you stupifyingly cheated with and posted on facebook...ASS

  23. I really really want you to come back, you made fun of nikki when I was a kid, you picked up paul by the skin of his back, you probably congratulate yourself and take all credit that he made it into the force, the best part everyone here agrees on is that you moved, and your still not making the enormous redemptive impact that was so inevitable, i wonder why that is, you have all the thinking skills and you are certainly the type who everyone wants to know what your thinking, what is holding this breakthrough back I cant even begin to imagine with my small brain.

  24. Lets play the game asshole, you want to play the game lets play

  25. and your not even funny, your sons funny, your dad is funny, your... a faggot

  26. Sorry I used your message board for the airing of grievances portion of Festivus but I did

  27. Thanks though, it was very nice to vent

  28. If I can return the favor, although I cant imagine how, let me know I guess lol
