Saturday, July 30, 2011
I looked up Winchester this afternoon. Husband came home from work and went to band meeting. He gave me money before he left to go to WalMart for groceries. I walked in to WalMart to get a sandwhich from subway and the first thing I saw was a woman with a ball cap on that said "Winchester." She started talking to me and told me she was a prison guard.
Then, I went to my sister's and watched tv for awhile. We talked about Katie competing in the County Fair this year with her horse. When I got to stop sign to pull onto 116, a red vehicle sped up to drive by and get in front of me. She had the license plate Kate Fair 3.
I suppose these are just coincidences, and not gang stalkers messing with my mind?
Then, I went to my sister's and watched tv for awhile. We talked about Katie competing in the County Fair this year with her horse. When I got to stop sign to pull onto 116, a red vehicle sped up to drive by and get in front of me. She had the license plate Kate Fair 3.
I suppose these are just coincidences, and not gang stalkers messing with my mind?
Friday, July 29, 2011
James Walbert Gets Order of Protection Against Electronic Harrassment & Stalking
Among greatest human rights violations imaginable
Few American doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists will break rank or brave the new world of high-tech electronic abuse some of their patients report but evidence mounts that increasing numbers of innocent citizens targeted for U.S. state-sponsored terror are being secretly brain implanted with U.S. RFID chips without their consent for no-touch torture and mind control plus experimentation. One man evidenced this in court; won his case; and now prepares for a continuationin federal court, due to be equally explosive.
RFID is abbreviation for Radio-frequency Identification, a misnomer due to the device functions consisting of far more than ID. It is used for remote technological harassment, torture and even assassination.
James Walbert, resident of Wichita, Kansas, proved his experience as a Targeted Individual under surveillance includes forcefully implanted RFID chips, including in his brain, and subsequent remote electronic abuse. Walbert told Sedgwick County, Kansas court panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation.”
On November 25, 2008, the court ordered the associated targeted stalking of Walbert to halt. Walbert then began suffering electric shock sensations and hearing electronically generated tones, including popping and ringing sounds.
On December 30th, Court decided in Walbert’s favor, issuing a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to injure Walbert. That Order has been violated – including by police Walbert told the Examiner.
“Nothing to date has changed at all – not to say that they are not investigating. There just has been no change at all in this harassment despite this order of protection.”
A common misconception is that RFID implants are solely to track individuals 24/7. “Not so,” say scientists and investigators, including Paul Baird of Surveillance Issues.
Surveillance Issues provides information about advanced satellite surveillance and “harassment” technologies that covert government agencies and organized crime syndicates are using on innocent people to neutralize them, suppression through mental torment and physical injury. These technologies are effectively used against RFID implanted persons.
Most RFID devices contain at least two parts: 1) An integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal; and 2) An antenna for receiving and transmitting signals.
With the second RFID part, the antenna, implanted subject can receive sounds, even verbal orders, and thus be subjected to control against his or her best interest, a method of mind control. With the antenna, the subject can also receive electronic pain and injury meeting torture criterion. The antenna has capacity to covertly assassinate the target by directing electric energy from hand-held devices or satellite to a vulnerable body or organ part. Thus, cause of death is attributed to the subject’s vulnerability recorded in medical records and viewed by most people as death by “natural cause.” (For information on NSA neural remote monitoring, see NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation, surveillance)
“Mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under you skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that We The People Will Not Be Chipped,” is the mission statement of the group, We the People, will not be chipped.”
But what happens when unwitting, innocent persons are covertly chipped, after drugged or otherwise induced to unconsciousness in their homes after unforced break-ins? Not possible? This is being reported throughout communities in the U.S. and other nations – with growing hard evidence to prove it.
The largest deployment of active RFID is the U.S. Department of Defense. Wikipedia
Chipped for failure to comply with bullies
“In 2004, I became an inventor and was then threatened shortly afterwards by the party outlined in the protection order,” explained Walbert. “He had stated that I would give him this invention or he would further discredit me and just take it from me.”
Walbert says that’s when it all started.
“The FBI believes it to be close friends of mine who are executing this crime,” says Walbert. “Very soon after the threat for not giving away my invention, I started experiencing very odd things around me, mostly the way people were acting towards me.
Most Targeted Individuals report that friends and even family members begin treating the target differently, as though mentally ill or dangerous. Some of these family members have reported to the Examiner that they were secretly contacted by law enforcement, threatened to keep the contact secret, and told lies about their loved one. The average person perceives and treats the target with less respect or understanding of the state-sponsored crime against them – all due to “official” lies to discredit and isolate the target, making it easier to further persecute him or her since no support or protection exists.
This sworn secrecy part of the program has been reported so many times to the Examiner, it raises serious ethical questions such as: How many people in the fields of medicine and mental health including psychology are directly involved in this system of abuse and just following orders? (See APA CIA torture complicity charge: Is America ready for the whole truth?, Examiner, August 14, 2010)
After a consultation with Walbert, Clinical Psychologists Cathy Meadows, M.A. wrote:
“The techniques used against these targeted individuals are purposely designed to make the victim appear to have a mentally disorder in order to invalidate any claims of wrongdoing by the perpetrators. [The same tactic is presently being used in the Gulf Coast crime against humanity, with focus on mental injury, not physical injuries.] It is a highly organized and multi-faceted attack that is used by many political and religious extremists, by corporations and businesses, and even by organized crime.” Human Targets
Meadows concludes stating that Walbert’s “reasons for the covert attack and details he gives about the attack are in sync with what we know about gang-staling and technological harassment and for this reason I can’t rule out his claims.”
Meadows concludes stating that Walbert’s “reasons for the covert attack and details he gives about the attack are in sync with what we know about gang-staling and technological harassment and for this reason I can’t rule out his claims.”
Walbert now calmly describes the terrifying experiences hundreds of innocent targeted individuals report, a violation of their bodies and minds:
“I then woke up to bloody ears and lots of ringing and nervous system stimulations. Very soon after that I had went to the doctor and they had found something in my ears.”
Walbert had scars along with this foreign body in his ear according to doctor reports.
“The whole left side of me was damaged,” he told the Examiner.
“I had gone in for an MRI. They found something else in the trapezia area. I had it sent off to a few doctors that I know.”
Dr. John Hall identified the foreign body as an RFID chip, consistent with what investigator William J. Taylor had stated.
Wanting to test his blood for any residues from the implant, the following year, Walbert saw the famous Industrial Toxicologist and Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger with Integrated Health Services out of Los Angeles. After sending Walbert for 30 blood tests in search of damages, Staninger further confirmed existence of the foreign bodies.
“Well we found the damages – and other implants as well,” said Walbert.
He then had further tests run by another investigator to back up findings and confirmations by investigators at William J. Taylor’s Agencies. Again, the new investigations concurred with the old.
Walbert then turned to private detector Melinda Kidder who confirmed the findings, stating that what everyone involved in the investigation had all been saying to be truthful, factual and real.
“Very soon after this, I again turned to the State Rep Jim Guest.”
In 2006, when the U.S. Department of Defense awarded $1.6 million to Clemson University to develop an implantable biochip,’s Yelene Slattery stated, “Soldiers can’t choose not to get certain things done because they become government property once they sign up. When does it end? When does it become an infringement on a person’s privacy?”
Slattery expressed valid concerns that once the chip is in, soldiers can be put on surveillance, even when off-duty, according to CBS affiliate KUTV. U.S. Military May Implant Chips In Troops\' Brains
By 2008, due to Rep. Guest’s leadership in Missouri, it became illegal for businesses to require employees to be micro-chipped.
“When you’re forced to have a chip put in you as a condition of employment, that’s taking away your civil liberties and your freedom,” said Rep. Guest, a King City Republican who added the microchip language to a bill concerning overtime and disability benefits. A that time, Guest vowed to introduce a bill to prohibit all microchip implants in humans. Chip implants can’t be required in Missouri,
Guest had supported Walbert’s first case in which the first protection order of its kind was issued, a major win that offered a glimmer of hope to the hundreds if not thousands of targets having their lives ruined by a covert, sophisticated system of abuse operating at every level of society.
“This time around,” Walbert said, “I had solid evidence to present to Representative Guest’s offices. Once this issued to his offices, I then had him confirm this evidence as being truthful and accurate and asked for another letter of support per his offices. It was granted.”
“Rep Guest had came through again for all the victims, as we all knew he would and continues to do,” said Walbert.
Walbert finally then turned to the Medical Community. He, like other survivors, wants the implanted devices extracted – but that has not happened.
“I was and continue to be turned away out of fear.“Several doctors stated that they see it on the MRI and agree with other doctors, but they are not going to help out fear that the government is involved and tear their offices apart for any records that are related to this extraction of this implanted device.”
(Emphasis added)
Harassment continues
Harassment continues
Walbert explains, “In the Order, there’s a request to the Courts to have the defendant withheld from the use of such devices, and that is what the order was issued under that request. That is why it was a hit in such a big way. It was and is still the only order of protection from this equipment and its effects that has ever been issued to date.
“I’m preparing to fight the local police. The Federal courts are the only courts I can fight them in considering this is a federal crime.”
The courts have waived the filing fee for Walbert and are serving the police via Federal Marshall office. They will deliver the suit to the police.
“Thats kinda kool to see happening to them,” said Walbert. “I have political support, investigatory support, medical support, psychological support as well for this case. If there are statement’s that have been made against my mental health then we will just add the defamation into the suit as well. I am trying to get local media involved with this case. Just to expose our police department into an negligent state.”
To date, Walbert’s first case rests on over 557,000 websites, was featured in a Wired Magazine article plus appeared in numerous mainstream media outlets.
Walbert’s next court case is due to be just as explosive as the first. This case impacts not only impacts the innocent citizens who silently suffer persecution, denied by those who could help. This goes further.
Baird told he Examiner yesterday that the system of which Walbert reports and fights also has to do with “exclusion of those with character/integrity from public life; a selection process now perfected with use of surveillance technology to ensure that no opposition exists.”
Baird stated:
“The Big Brother system of control that we now know about is both the essence of the problem and the reason that approaches to public figures fail to get the necessary result. You can find good and bad in most quarters but not in the mainstream media, politics etc. The good – and I’ve found quite a few – are on the outer; systematically excluded.”
To non-believers, including family, friends and professionals who choose to forsake loved ones or clients due to this seemingly unbelievable hidden system of persecution, including by media, medical and mental health professionals, Walbert says:
“Anyone who who wants more evidence, I have over 800 documents of solid irrefutable evidence to share.
Physical Therapy
I started physical therapy for neck (which may help tinnitus), but therapist kind of doubts it.
He talked to me about going to Wisconsin with his family over the weekend.
Well, that night as my husband and I were eating supper, he talked to me about Mrs. G. telling him she had been to Wisconsin when he stopped at her house to use the phone after running out of gas.
He talked to me about going to Wisconsin with his family over the weekend.
Well, that night as my husband and I were eating supper, he talked to me about Mrs. G. telling him she had been to Wisconsin when he stopped at her house to use the phone after running out of gas.
Phone off the Hook...Again
My husband constantly takes the phone off the hook at night and leaves it off all night. Then, when I try to use it in the morning, the battery is dead. Grrrr.
Since I have health problems, I don't understand why he does this. If I were to need to call someone to take me to the hospital or call an ambulance, I couldn't. As we live in the country, I can't just "run next door to a neighbor's house" either.
Since I have health problems, I don't understand why he does this. If I were to need to call someone to take me to the hospital or call an ambulance, I couldn't. As we live in the country, I can't just "run next door to a neighbor's house" either.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Problems with Implants
October 19, 2004
Implantable RFID device "poses potential risks to health"
Electrical hazards, MRI incompatibility, adverse tissue reaction, and migration of the implanted transponder are just a few of the potential risks associated with the Verichip ID implant device, according to an October 12, 2004 letter issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) has obtained a copy of the letter and posted it on the group's website at
"For a device purported to help patients, the VeriChip has serious medical downsides," says Katherine Albrecht, Founder and Director of CASPIAN. "By omitting this information from their press material, the companies marketing the VeriChip have painted an inaccurately rosy picture of their product that could mislead consumers into believing the devices are completely safe."Albrecht cites MRI incompatibility is perhaps the most serious issue. An MRI machine uses powerful magnetic fields coupled with pulsed radio frequency (RF) fields. According to the FDA's Primer on Medical Device Interactions with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Systems, "electrical currents may be induced in conductive metal implants" that can cause "potentially severe patient burns."
"Patients contemplating a VeriChip implant need to know that the FDA has raised MRI incompatibity as a potential risk," she said. "If it's a choice between a potentially life-saving diagnostic procedure or a VeriChip implant, I believe most patients would choose the MRI."
(NOTE: Mythbusters put this to the test and found RFIDs are not affected by MRIs.
An RFID tag will explode if placed inside an MRI.
The Build Team inserted an RFID tag into pig flesh and placed inside the MRI but failed to get any results. Kari then had an RFID tag placed inside her arm and was placed inside the MRI. The RFID tag remained unaffected and left Kari unharmed.
Bob Boyce is a famous inventor in the world of ultra-efficient electrolysis and hydroxy research. The chip found in his shoulder at the point of tumor formation turns out to be manufactured by VeriChiP.
Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of Verichip?
Bob Boyce, who has invented a super-efficient electrolysis method, as well as a self-looping electrical circuit capable of charging batteries, discovered a microchip implant in his shoulder when having a tumor removed from that spot, which metastasized. It turns out the chip was made by VeriChip; and he has no idea how it got there. addition to outlining a number of health risks, the FDA letter also cites the risk of "compromised information security" among its concerns. The VeriChip ID implant, about the size of a grain of rice, uses radio waves to transmit medical and financial account information to reader devices. There is a risk that these transmissions could be intercepted and duplicated by others or that the devices could be used to track an individual's movements and location.
"Once you're chipped, you can be identified by doorway portal readers without your knowledge," says Albrecht, referring to a VeriChip reader sold by value added resellers such as FindMe, LLC
( "That tracking potential, coupled with VeriChip's potential health risks make the VeriChip a very poor choice for medical patients seeking safety and security."
Albrecht said her group will be contacting the FDA to get more specifics about the dangers outlined in its letter. She also plans to contact the Digital Angel Corporation, manufacturer of the VeriChip; VeriChip, the technology licensee; and VeriChip's parent company, Applied Digital.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Clinical Trial
Well, I went to Barnes Jewish Hospital for clinical trial for my tinnitus. They flashed animations at me and I was supposed to pick out a green washing machine every time it appeared.
I fell asleep during the trial, as I had taken a benadryl the night before, had not slept the night before that, and was up early that morning to go to the trial. Sooo, I didn't get to the 2nd part of the trial.
I signed some papers for the trial.
One thing I would NEVER EVER sign for (without being tricked into it) is a paper for an RFID or microchip implant. These are the mark of the beast that is spoken of in Revelations.
I fell asleep during the trial, as I had taken a benadryl the night before, had not slept the night before that, and was up early that morning to go to the trial. Sooo, I didn't get to the 2nd part of the trial.
I signed some papers for the trial.
One thing I would NEVER EVER sign for (without being tricked into it) is a paper for an RFID or microchip implant. These are the mark of the beast that is spoken of in Revelations.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Live & Let Live
A recent letter writer's loyal support of Planned Parenthood is touching, but let's look at the facts.
Planned Parenthood's uncontested position of leadership in the abortion industry's Hall of Fame is a lot more than 3 percent, considering all the factors that go into an abortion.
Is it ethical to kill an unborn human being? Of course not. Is it ethical to educate children, adolescents and teens in sexual matters by teaching them the only sin is to not use a condom? Of course not. Is it ethical to teach that patience — abstinence — is a crippling form of immaturity that must be outgrown, the sooner the better? Of course not. Is bullying ever OK, even when traditional cultural and religious norms are being mocked and derided? Of course not.
To live and let live is generally good advice, except when someone is denied the chance to live at all and perhaps to enjoy a happy life with loving adoptive parents. Not only does adoption beat being exterminated, studies have found that adopted children actually do very well on all counts. However, people who wish to adopt children here have to resort to Third World countries for children because of abortion and the low percentage of single mothers choosing adoption — only 1 percent.
Can I support Planned Parenthood, too? Of course not.
Carole A. Roadarmel
Santa Maria
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Seeing Things?
Went to a town about 40 miles away today. While driving down the main highway through town, I saw an SUV with license plates 4 Fincks. The vehicle then pulled in front of me, but now the license plate read 2 Fincks.
Bought one of those Inspirational Word thingies at Hobby Lobby that you hang on the wall. It said "Dream." When I pulled out of the parking lot, this SUV came speeding out of nowhere, and honking at me as I went to pull out into exit lane. Vehicle got in front of me and on the sticker for where purchased it said "Dream."
While paying for the "Dream" wall decoration, I asked the cashier about a good place to take a car to get the AC repaired. A couple behind me, man and woman (with long, red, curly hair). The man asked me if I was from Bloomington. He said he knew a good mechanic, but not in Bloomington, as he wasn't from Bloomington. He then asked me where I lived. Well, since the stalking I am very wary of people asking me personal questions, so I just said well if you aren't from here, then you probably can't help me in finding a local business to do this.
He told me he lived in Hopedale and knew a mechanic there who worked on air conditioners. He then started telling me it could be just a fuse. Finally, I asked him if he could show me where the fuse box was. So, they walked out to my vehicle with me and he showed me the fuse/relay box. He suggested I take it to Auto Zone and ask them to check the fuse.
Too many coincidences to be coincidences.
Bought one of those Inspirational Word thingies at Hobby Lobby that you hang on the wall. It said "Dream." When I pulled out of the parking lot, this SUV came speeding out of nowhere, and honking at me as I went to pull out into exit lane. Vehicle got in front of me and on the sticker for where purchased it said "Dream."
While paying for the "Dream" wall decoration, I asked the cashier about a good place to take a car to get the AC repaired. A couple behind me, man and woman (with long, red, curly hair). The man asked me if I was from Bloomington. He said he knew a good mechanic, but not in Bloomington, as he wasn't from Bloomington. He then asked me where I lived. Well, since the stalking I am very wary of people asking me personal questions, so I just said well if you aren't from here, then you probably can't help me in finding a local business to do this.
He told me he lived in Hopedale and knew a mechanic there who worked on air conditioners. He then started telling me it could be just a fuse. Finally, I asked him if he could show me where the fuse box was. So, they walked out to my vehicle with me and he showed me the fuse/relay box. He suggested I take it to Auto Zone and ask them to check the fuse.
Too many coincidences to be coincidences.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Went to Ever Green Lake today with my husband. He had me drive (which I have grown to hate because of the stalking). A trip that should have taken no more than 30 minutes, ended up taking over an hour to get there. It has been awhile since either of us have been there.
When I drive and he is in the car, he always directs me. I am so used to it, I don't even notice. When I am by myself, I direct myself. Is this a male thing? That they always have to be giving directions??
Anyway, so I was talking and missed the exit for Ever Green Lake (because I am so used to him giving me directions when he is in the car with me). So, we drove 10 miles past it, then turned around and drove back another 20 miles because he said the exit was back 20 miles (which it wasn't). I kept telling him it wasn't--that we needed to exit off at the next town, but he kept insisting otherwise. So, of course, I listened to him and drove to the 2nd town off the interstate and exited, then drove down this road he said led to Ever Green Lake.
We drove down this road and came upon construction workers near the end of the road. If I had kept driving, I would have drove right into the lake! There was no sign "Lake Ahead, Road Ends," or anything. Weird! Anyway, the construction guys said that people had been driving into the lake, so they were putting barricades up. Seriously, I didn't even know that road existed! So, we asked which way to Ever Green Lake, and they said "Turn around and take the next right." So, we did.
Well, as soon as we turned on the right road to go to Ever Green Lake, a red truck came up behind us and another red vehicle came towards us.
We ended up only staying a half hour at the lake because of all the driving around. So, it was hardly worth the trip.
Came home and about 7 p.m., I started out for a walk. My grey cat started following me, so I turned around and asked the hubby, who was putting the lawn mower away, to call him and put food down for him so he wouldn't follow me and get ran over.
He called him and he turned around and went back. I was walking down the road and kept looking back and lo and behold, he was out in the front yard again mewing after me like he was going to follow me.
All of a sudden, this grey car (Durre 94) came speeding towards our house. I waved my arms at the car and she came to a stop. She was a red head, of course--and had a CNA uniform on. But, had a bunch of little kids in the car with her. I asked her if she would please slow down because I didn't want her hitting my cat, in case he had followed me out onto the road.
Now, you may be thinking that I should keep the cat inside. That would be nice if I could. But, I have allergies and I have 8 cats. So, I do the best I can with them in trying to feed, shelter, and protect them.
When I drive and he is in the car, he always directs me. I am so used to it, I don't even notice. When I am by myself, I direct myself. Is this a male thing? That they always have to be giving directions??
Anyway, so I was talking and missed the exit for Ever Green Lake (because I am so used to him giving me directions when he is in the car with me). So, we drove 10 miles past it, then turned around and drove back another 20 miles because he said the exit was back 20 miles (which it wasn't). I kept telling him it wasn't--that we needed to exit off at the next town, but he kept insisting otherwise. So, of course, I listened to him and drove to the 2nd town off the interstate and exited, then drove down this road he said led to Ever Green Lake.
We drove down this road and came upon construction workers near the end of the road. If I had kept driving, I would have drove right into the lake! There was no sign "Lake Ahead, Road Ends," or anything. Weird! Anyway, the construction guys said that people had been driving into the lake, so they were putting barricades up. Seriously, I didn't even know that road existed! So, we asked which way to Ever Green Lake, and they said "Turn around and take the next right." So, we did.
Well, as soon as we turned on the right road to go to Ever Green Lake, a red truck came up behind us and another red vehicle came towards us.
We ended up only staying a half hour at the lake because of all the driving around. So, it was hardly worth the trip.
Came home and about 7 p.m., I started out for a walk. My grey cat started following me, so I turned around and asked the hubby, who was putting the lawn mower away, to call him and put food down for him so he wouldn't follow me and get ran over.
He called him and he turned around and went back. I was walking down the road and kept looking back and lo and behold, he was out in the front yard again mewing after me like he was going to follow me.
All of a sudden, this grey car (Durre 94) came speeding towards our house. I waved my arms at the car and she came to a stop. She was a red head, of course--and had a CNA uniform on. But, had a bunch of little kids in the car with her. I asked her if she would please slow down because I didn't want her hitting my cat, in case he had followed me out onto the road.
Now, you may be thinking that I should keep the cat inside. That would be nice if I could. But, I have allergies and I have 8 cats. So, I do the best I can with them in trying to feed, shelter, and protect them.
Insurance Fraud?
I just received a call from someone claiming to represent my insurance company. I called them back and gave them medical info they asked for, but then something didn't seem right. The fact that I got right through instead of having to wait up to 5 to 10 minutes. So, I googled the 800 number and found it belongs to Wright Software. The number was 1-800-225-9697.
Again, I have only one health insurance plan and I do not have any life insurance.
Again, I have only one health insurance plan and I do not have any life insurance.
New Battery Disappeared/Air Conditioner Which Worked Fine, Now Doesn't Work
Earlier this year, I bought a brand new battery for my PT Cruiser. Well, I am trying to sell the PT Cruiser, but not having any luck with the dealer I left it with, so I went and got it. The battery that is on there now is corroded --so obviously it is not new. Also, the air conditioner doesn't work. It was working fine when I left it.
Monday, July 11, 2011
My Crime
I have never stolen anything in my life. I have worked hard all of my life for the little that I have--and now the stalkers wish to take that away from me. This is how they survive--by stealing from others. They WILL NOT GO TO HEAVEN. Matthew 7:21-23 not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Iniquity, for those who don't know, means LAWLESSNESS. Those who stalk and harass another are breaking not only man's law, but God's law.
My only crime is trusting people who were not trustworthy.
My only crime is trusting people who were not trustworthy.
RFID Implant
It wasn't enough for the stalkers (or was it my husband) to follow and harass me 24/7. In March 2011, I awoke with a buzzing at the base of my skull, which eventually subsided to become a constant radio static noise in my head. From what I have read at, I believe I have an RFID chip implanted in the back of my head, neck, or spine.
They have won. I cannot live like this--watching my health deteriorate as they control me.
They have won. I cannot live like this--watching my health deteriorate as they control me.
Monday, July 4, 2011
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