Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Oh, by the way. I don't carry any life insurance, so if after I die someone collects millions on my death, it was a forged signature. Again, I DON'T HAVE ANY LIFE INSURANCE, NOR, GIVEN THE HARASSMENT AND STALKING I AM GOING THROUGH, do I want any life insurance.


  1. I do not carry life insurance either. And now that I know that there is a such thing as Insurance Policy Fraud, I would like to let everyone know if I die and someone get paid for life insurance, I did not take it out.

    1. Its usually companies who do this and it will be hard to trace if the claimed. I became a target in Cape Town South Africa after realizing the Digital Agency I worked for in only hires for insurance fraud then slow kill once they have "dismissed you".

      The company is effectively part of some criminal gang and offcourse its hard for an unsuspecting victim to know. Things look all nice and normal until you start working there to realize ohh...Its all a scam, a death trap
