Monday, March 19, 2012

To all of you evil stalkers. To all who conspired to end my life by placing these instruments of death in my body: My death and my funeral will be unannounced. You will not have the satisfaction of spitting on my grave.

Your evil knows no bounds. But, someday, you will face your evil deeds and you will pay for them when you stand before the final judgment and Jesus tells you "Depart from me, you lawless ones. I never knew you."

Stalking is breaking the law. It is an invasion of privacy. It is harassment. ALLWHO DO THIS ARE TERRORISTS. Whatever your reason--the end does not justify the means.

Get off your lazy, fat asses riding around in your vehicles and thinking you are some kind of important "spy." Get a real job where you actually have to work for a living, where you actually have to have some skills and talent. You have no skills, no talent. You are part of a terrorist group. You can't think for yourself. You are nothing but a terrorist. You are evil.

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