Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Antipsychotic Drug Implant

The drug implant caused a lesion in my artery, caused me to have a stroke, caused me to have a stent.

The drug implant causes me so much stress, depression, and anxiety from the constant humming, buzzing, electrical feeling. I lay in bed and weep for hours upon hours, unable to sleep, because I know that this drug is destroying my memory and destroying the very essence of me. This is the reason my heart races, palpitates, and beats so hard I can feel it in my back. Because of this implant.

Antipsychotic drugs are not about helping people. They are about destroying anyone who resists the system.

You would think my family would have learned not to trust the system after they MURDERED my Mother, allowing her to get beaten and not taking her to the hospital when she had severe brain damage, then, poisoning her with pharmaceutical drugs, and finally, not giving her those drugs once her body had become accustomed to them, thus causing her to go into insulin shock.  Why? So, they can sell off her body parts? So, they could collect insurance on her? So, they didn't have to be bothered with her anymore? The day she was dying, they were already showing her room at the nursing home to visitors. I heard a staff member taking a family on a tour, telling them that her room would soon be available.  She wasn't even dead yet.

Look at my nephew, on antipsychotics for years. He lost all of his hair. He gained over 100 pounds. He has back problems because of the weight. He has high blood pressure because of these drugs. He slept 12 years of his life away. He had a bright, promising future with an IQ of 160. The drugs ruined him--caused physical and mental health problems. They dulled his brain.



Cardiotoxicity of antipsychotic drugs

For those who don't believe Dr. Peter Breggin about antipsychotics causing heart problems, perhaps you will believe what is published on a government website about the cardiotoxicity of antipsychotics.

Torsadogenic cardiotoxicity of antipsychotic drugs: a structural feature, potentially involved in the interaction with cardiac HERG potassium channels. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

To all of you evil stalkers. To all who conspired to end my life by placing these instruments of death in my body: My death and my funeral will be unannounced. You will not have the satisfaction of spitting on my grave.

Your evil knows no bounds. But, someday, you will face your evil deeds and you will pay for them when you stand before the final judgment and Jesus tells you "Depart from me, you lawless ones. I never knew you."

Stalking is breaking the law. It is an invasion of privacy. It is harassment. ALLWHO DO THIS ARE TERRORISTS. Whatever your reason--the end does not justify the means.

Get off your lazy, fat asses riding around in your vehicles and thinking you are some kind of important "spy." Get a real job where you actually have to work for a living, where you actually have to have some skills and talent. You have no skills, no talent. You are part of a terrorist group. You can't think for yourself. You are nothing but a terrorist. You are evil.

I would rather be dead than live the rest of my life hearing this buzzing/humming and feeling electric currents/sparks hitting my brain.

My family is not welcome at my funeral since they have conspired with the evil doers to have this poison put in my system.

Friday, March 16, 2012

What Happens When You Take Away Every Thing a Person Finds Pleasure In?

Dr. Mercola recently issued a newsletter with a topic on depression. The article stated that when you take every thing away from a person that they find pleasure in, you take away their will to live.

I hope you stalkers are happy.

You will stand before God and be judged for the evil that you have done to me.

You have caused me to lose my family, friends, church, and my health. You have taken away my spirit, my independence, my self-reliance. You have taken away my peace of mind.

Because of you, I suffered a heart attack.

I believe that somehow you had me implanted with antipsychotic drug implants and also a biotelemetry implant heart monitor--that is why I hear constant humming/buzzing and why I feel electric current sensations in my body. YOU decided against what I know about neuroleptics--that they are mind-numbing, dangerous drugs that shorten a person's life by 15-20 years.

Your worst sin? You convinced my family that you were doing this for my own good, while you slowly murder me by putting these poisonous antipsychotic drugs into my system.

That is why I hear beeping--it is coming from the heart monitor. That is why my heart races and palpitates and pounds so hard it feels like it is coming out of my back.

I am no longer able to exercise as I used to--I can no longer bike-ride, swim, hike, etc. Because of this, I have gained 60 pounds, which causes further stress on my heart, and further depression.

You took away everything in life that I found pleasure in.

Just as the medical system killed my Mother, you now plan to slowly murder me. You can delude yourself that it isn't murder--but, it is. Just because you don't do it outright. You are slowly poisoning me with these antipsychotic drugs, that, no doubt, are responsible for my heart attack, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

You continue to stalk me online and offline--constantly trying to convince me that there are all of these coincidences.

You are evil. You were spawned by the Devil and when you die, you will spend eternity in Hell with him.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Buzzing/Electric Currents in Brain and Heart

Since March of 2011, I have had electric current sensations in my brain, heart, and skeletal frame. At times, it feels like I swallowed a cell phone set on vibrate.

Right now, it feels like I am being "pinged" with electrical sparks. I hate it. I cry over it every day. I forget things a lot because of it.

Most of the time, it is worse on the left side of my brain, but today, for some reason, it decided to switch sides and is now pinging the right side of my brain more. Remotely controlled monitor?

Plus, I have the constant beeping in the background like a heart monitor would make.

Because of all this, my health has declined. I have gained 60 pounds, become border-line diabetic, cholesterol has soared to 300, and I have now have heart disease.

All because my family refused to help me escape my stalkers. They would prefer that I  stay where I can be watched and die an early death, than to have me move out of the area.

Up until this stalking started four years ago, I had no history of mental illness. Now, of course, because my family refuses to believe this is happening.....they would rather believe I am crazy than believe that there are situations that can't be controlled.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Brain Stimulation

Dr. Mercola warns that there is still not much known about electrically or magnetically stimulating the brain.

I, for one, would not opt to be a guinea pig for this.

When I Die I Still Want to be Me

Now that they have made me ill, they think they can control me better. But,when I die, I still want to die as me.

I believe something has been put inside of me. I hear constant beeping and feel electric currents running through my body. My doctors tell me they have never heard of this, but when I Google it, there are literally thousands of people posting on health forums with the same symptoms.

It would be interesting to see how many of them have had surgery--making them vulnerable to involuntary implants of some kind.

This has changed my life. I used to be a happy go-lucky person. Now, I can't do any of the things that made life enjoyable--swimming, hiking, biking, even just walking.

My own family has turned on me. My youngest sister has called me horrible names and accused me of the most vile things. When I tried to talk to her about it, she told me she wasn't going to argue with me and hung up on me. Her mantra in life is "No drama." Which I find odd because she is the one creating the drama by calling me names and accusing me of things that are untrue.